Group Discussion Guide

Message Series, Part 208 of 365

This guide is designed to help your group create a space for genuine connection and conversation within your discussion time. Don't feel pressured to address every question each week. Instead, allow the Holy Spirit to guide you as you lead your group in uncovering what God intends to communicate during your time together.

This guide comprises three sections: Loving, Learning, and Living. Each section aims to steer your conversation towards meaningful discussions about spiritual growth as individuals and as members of the body of Christ.


First moments together as a group to connect and pray (approx. 10-15 min).
  • How have you seen God at work in your life since the last time we met?
  • What has been one high and one low since the last time we met?
  • How did you do with living out what we talked about last time we met?

Open with prayer and invite God to be part of your conversation and relationship.


The majority of the group discussion is devoted to open dialogue, reflecting on God’s Word and its personal application to each of our lives (approx. 60-75 min).

Scripture References from Message:
Big Idea from Message:

-Questions Here-


The challenge for the week ahead is to grow in our faith and lovingly hold each other accountable through the community.

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