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Baptism Sunday

This Sunday, September 8th, is a Baptism Sunday. Baptism is an outward sign of an internal decision to accept Jesus into our hearts. When we accept Jesus, we are recognizing our need for forgiveness and grace, which was paid for with Jesus' sacrifice on the cross.

Are you ready to take this next step in your faith journey? Click the button below and sign up to be baptized.

First Thursday with BP YA

We’re excited to announce that our worship nights for young adults are now called First Thursday! Why the name change? Because we meet for worship on the first Thursday of every month! These nights are a powerful time to come together, lift our voices, and refocus our hearts on God.

Young adults, join us for our next First Thursday and experience a night of worship, community, and connection this Thursday, September 5th, at 6:45pm, at the Tyrone campus. We can’t wait to worship with you! Ever felt like God’s answers to your prayers weren’t exactly what you wanted? This September, we’ll be journeying through the book of Habakkuk, asking ourselves the hard questions about what happens when God’s responses don’t align with our expectations. Habakkuk’s dialogue with God is real, raw, and exactly what we need to study as we seek to understand His ways.

Registrations for Serve Day projects are live!

Save the date for our next Serve Day on Saturday, September 14th! Serve Day is one of our favorite days here at BridgePoint and we love getting to partner with our community and practice loving and serving others like Jesus! This is a great day to gather your family, friends, and smalls groups and serve together knowing your time serving in any capacity is impacting the lives of many around us, and we would love for you to join us! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our Missions Director, Melanie Benner, at mbenner@bridgepointfl.com. We can't wait to serve alongside you!


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