What is Jesus Hungry For? - The Kingdom of God, Part 4

Seminole Campus Pastor Curtis Thomas challenges listeners to reflect on the state of their hearts if Jesus were to examine them. We explore the concept of justice in God's kingdom, contrasting it with worldly justice, and emphasizes that God's judgment always leads to restoration. Using Mark 11, Curtis discusses Jesus' cursing of the barren fig tree—symbolizing Israel's spiritual failure—and His cleansing of the temple, which had become a place of exploitation rather than worship. The message urges believers to examine what might be blocking their full access to God, calling them to faith and surrender. It concludes with a prayer of self-examination, asking God to reveal and remove anything that hinders true worship and justice.

Questions for Reflection:
  1. Are you truly bearing fruit or just looking the part?
  2. Are you blocking others from accessing God?
  3. Are you willing to let Jesus remove obstacles in your heart?

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