


BPyouth consists of an amazing student ministry on Wednesday nights and great events like Summer Camp for 6th-12th graders. Our student ministry is a great opportunity for teenagers to be in an environment that's going to foster spiritual growth and help them grow closer to God.


"Wednesdays are for the Youth"
BPyouth meets every Wednesday Night at 7:00pm
Depending on the week, they could be meeting in their CREWS or experiencing an epic UNITE NIGHT at our Tyrone Campus.


We believe life is better with your crew.

Everybody likes having their crew. At BPyouth, your crew will provide an opportunity for you to experience a passionate relationship with Jesus Christ and discover who God has called you to be. In Crews, students are developing relationships with  consistent adult leaders and building great friendships with other students like them that allows them to share their faith and do life together. Each crew is established by guy/girl and grade and meet at either the Tyrone or Seminole location.


Unite Nights are a BLAST and happen on the first Wednesday of every month and is a chance for all campuses to come together at our Tyrone location! It begins with a fun pre-party for meeting new people. It continues with powerful and passionate worship and relevant teaching designed for students and ends with a fun after party. Students will be inspired by hearing the truth of Jesus Christ and challenged to build a relationship with God. Unite Nights are creative, unpredictable, and fun and is the perfect place to invite your friends and trust us, you want to be in the room!!


During our weekend services, students serve and attend as full participants. This means students sit together in our worship services and take part in our weekend serving opportunities, anywhere from worship and production to kids areas and first impressions.
Weekly Update
BP YTH Event Calendar
BP YA Event Calendar
Downtown Calendar
Online Calendar
Seminole Calendar
Tyrone Calendar
KidsPoint Calendar

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