Don't let your children miss KidsPoint Camp this summer!

Registration is closed


An amazing experience for children entering Kindergarten through completed 5th grade! KidsPoint Camp 2024 (KPC) will be full of fun games, high energy worship, applicable Bible stories, and engaging small group discussions that all center around celebrating Jesus and what He has done for us!

June 10th-14th

Tyrone Campus

Aftercare available
($100 per child)

Family Experience (FX)
June 14th

*Please note: upon clicking to the registration page you may receive an "Error Initializing Block" message. If you do receive this message, please refresh the page, then all should work as intended. We are aware of this issue and are working to get it resolved as soon as possible.
Serving at KPC is an incredible way to help children get closer to God! Apply to serve below!
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