We wrapped up our series on the promises of God with an interview with two people from our BridgePoint family. Tom Glenn & Joyce Conner tell of how they each found hope in God's promise to comfort those who mourn.
Tom & Joyce provided the following resources that they each found helpful for anyone else who may be struggling with grief.

My Friend, I Care: The Grief Experience

My Friend, I Care is a booklet intended for the newly grieving. It addresses the normalcy of grieving and stages of grief while offering suggestions for moving forward into living. 

Tear Soup: A Recipe for Healing After Loss

If you are going to buy only one book on grief, this is the one to get! It will validate your grief experience, and you can share it with your children.

Finding Your Way After Your Spouse Dies

Having experienced her own spouse's death, Felber is never glib or simplistic. She knows the grief her readers are feeling and she encourages them to give it full expression. At the same time, she offers sound, practical suggestions on how to navigate difficult days.

When Your Soul Aches: Hope and Help for Women Who Have Lost Their Husbands

Every woman who has been rocked by the loss of her partner will find relief in Rabey's vulnerable and touching account of her real-life experiences and those of dozens of other widows.

I'm Grieving As Fast As I Can

I'm Grieving As Fast as I Can is a guide for young widows and widowers through the normal grieving process that highlights the challenging circumstances of an untimely death.

Journeying Through Grief (4-Book Set)

A Simple, Powerful Way to Care for People Who Are Grieving Journeying through Grief is a set of four short books to send to people at four crucial times during the first year after the loss of a loved one.

Hope in the Dark: Believing God Is Good When Life Is Not

Can God be good when life is not? Rediscover faith in the character, power, and presence of God. Even in the questions. Even in the hurt.

Forgiving What You Can't Forget

Discover How to Move On, Make Peace with Painful Memories, and Create a Life That’s Beautiful Again